Hey guys long time, no see! Yep...I've been lazy and haven't been updating as much as I would have liked. I'm going to official announce that I am updating again! Whoops! I've haven't been updating as much and you know what that means....
Oh. My. GUMMY BEARS! It's been MONTHS. Do you know what that's like? Sitting in a save doing nothing for MONTHS?! I mean, poor Alyssa Terrans got deleted, but at least she gets to go hang out with all the other deleted saves, but me?! Nope. BORED TO freakin' DEATH.
Glad to see you can still talk.
I know, right. *Giggles*
So, what have you been up to?
Nothing. Yelling at you. We probably lost all our readers.
*Puts on sad face* Hopefully not...we joined FeedSpot.
It's a site you can use to keep up with all your favorite blogs. It's a pretty cool way to follow RSS feeds or whatever.
Suck up.
Just trying to become more popular. Is that so wrong?
Same thing as being a suck up.
SO what's happened since I was gone?
Season nine of HIMYM sucks and Bones and Booth are married.
SPOILER ALERT! What the heck? Just drop it on me?!
And the last Sims 3 Expansion Pack came out.
WHAT?! No. I just- no, no, no! Am I going to be deleted?
Nope. We're gonna keep playing and try and gain, *takes deep breath*, readers.
Shouldn't we do something cool than?
Am I not cool enough for you?
Ask your onenot internet friend.
*Sticks out tongue* Oh yeah. *Remembers* Miley Cyrus has gone kinda crazy.
How crazy?
Just...Google the VMAs. Prepare to be emotionally scarred.
*Googles* What the-?! I mean, I don't even HAVE Google! I'm a Sim.
Shhhhh! You'll spoil the illusion.
What illusion?
Go with it.
time we left off, Nevada was kicked out of the Ivanov's home because
she flirted with a guy. Actually, he flirted with her. But she was the
one who had to leave...hm.....
Just get on with it.
Okay, my darling sunshine.
I sent Nevada to the park (which is very, very un-park-ish.) to sleep on a bench. So, that's what Nevada's life has been like in the past few months. Since I'm now only doing a legacy and this blog, it will be updated once again! Yay. I'm sure you're thrilled and have missed Nevada's insane-ness.
Isn't this nice? Sleeping on a park bench? Nevada was about to pass out, but then again, isn't she always? Anyways, I made her sleep on a bench, so she wouldn't faint or die or something.

Do we know that smiling face from somewhere?
It's the old lady that kicked me out!
Yep...she's driving a-?
School bus?
Weird looking school bus.
Tour bus?
They have those? Awesome. Go steal one.
I can't just- I mean- I-
I was kidding. I know you can't just steal a bus. Readers, if you know what that is, please comment! It's a recolor, but I've never seen it before...

Look at that handsome guy. He's all dressed up in clothes and all.
SO much better than be dresses up in not clothes, right?
Don't try and be funny. The handsomeness of him is like, totally, all over the place.
Really? He's handsome?
Don't deny it.
I just- pale, ginger, nerd. Doesn't seem like you're type.
He's a nerd!
And...? We're people too.
He has to have a good job and I can buy a real bed! We get married, I move out-
You can't move out.
He moves in-
Can't do that either.
Ruining my fun! *Runs over to guy*.
"I like you."
"Sup. Hey. I'm Nevada."
"Cool. I'm Aiden Jones."
"Are you rivh?"
"Yes. Like I'm totally super rich."
"Stop bragging."
"Why? Look, are you poor?"
"Haha! I'm rich!"
"Stop! I don't like it."

Bam! Right on the lips. Nevada's very direct, isn't she?

"You can't do that NEVADA! I-I- This is horrible...this is horrible. This is horrible."
"Deep breaths, Mr. Repetitive."
"Jones. Mr. Jones."
"I was being sarcastic."
"Whatever. I'm busy freaking out. You smell bad."

"MEANIE?! I could sue you!"
"For what?"
"Attacks. I don't know! I have money."
"So? I don't."
"Huh? Weird. Good day? WHo talks like that."
"I said good day! Stop talking!"
"Not happen' bro."
"GRRRR!" *Runs away.*
He's nice.
You kissed him.
So? He had money and was waving it in my face.
He was a jerk.
Look! A child!
NO! No- Nevada, NO! You don't want the cops to be called! Creepy lady alert! STOP!

"Hi small child, do you know anywhere I can set things on fire?"
"Uh no...MOMMY! Stranger danger."
"I'm not strange! Or dangerous. Do you have candy? I would like to steal it."
"You shouldn't take candy from strangers."
"Don' worry little girl, you're not that strange."
"MOMMY!" *Runs away.*
"Wait, come back!"
Dang. People are horrible.
You can be a little... odd.
So? I am the most awesomeness awesome person to walk this planet. Ever.
And? Just... yeah. Odd. Sometimes it scares people.
Yay! I wanna be scary! Boo, like it's Halloween or something.
Look! You're about to die.
Let's run off and steal something!
A short while later...
I'm gonna take a bath so I'm not stinky.
You do that.

Hmm...I think I'll steal this tub. And these logs.
What? Why not something like a bed? Logs? Really?

Too late. I stole two things! Yay!
I'm tired.

So she ended up passing out from sleepiness.... and woke up and was starving.
FOOD! Give thou food or something.
There's a firepit right there.
Let's cook something!
Where'd you get those marshmallows?
*Shrugs* Found em.
On the ground?
I don't know, but they taste good.
Did you summon them with magic?
I'm 100% human. Or Sim. Human Sim.
Go home.
Will do.
So, here's her day's haul. She has logs, a fire pit, and a tub. I suppose that's helpful, right? Or at least, the tub and fire pit are. The logs aren't really...

I sold the logs are built her some of a home. I don't really think you can steal windows, I dunno. Maybe you can. Right know I'll say you can. So, if you can't let me know. Redundant and repetitive, right? Hopefully more updates will follow and you'll keep reading! (Thanks by the way!) Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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