It's like one am on day four! Yay! Nevada's feeding herself. Marshmallows. Again. Good thing Sim's don't have dentists.
I received a gift!
From a Simmer! They sent me a care package.
That was nice of them.
It was! Now I'm going to stop roasting marshmallows.
You do that. What did you get?
A business planner.
Do you want to do into business?
Cool. So sell it.
Okay. Yay! I have money now!
If Nevada receives a gift, she technically can't steal for the boo. Guess that ruins this day. Hmm....I do appreciate the gift, though. Very thoughtful. What to do, what to do. If any of you want to try this klepto challenge, I posted the rules on the home page. If you could link back here, crediting my idea though, that's be great. Have a cookie while I figure out what to do. *Keep babbling*.

Thinking...thinking...thinking...this is my new thinking face, like it? Even though it's Nevada's face? Yeah.... not posting a picture of my self. Hahaha, not happening.
I know!
I met that Jones guy! Apparently, I know where he lives.
That isn't stalker-ish at all.
It isn't!
Whatever you say.
I'll go there, get a higher relationship, then rob him blind!
Good idea...but you go ta gift.
I'll stay the night.
*Raises eyebrow*
Not like that! Like sleepover friend thing. Gee.
So on Day Five...perfect!, you used your brain.
*Smiles* I'm pretty and smart.
And modest.
So, Nevada trekked to his house, which, for the record, is really nice and fancy. Compared to her's though, everything in nice and fancy.

"Hello?" *Knocks* "Hello?"
"Mrs. Jones?"

"Why did you know me name?"
"I know things."
"That's not creepy, instead of calling 911, I'll invite you in."
"Sweet. I'm tired."

Yep...she went to a bedroom and took a nap. First thing she did. Didn't say hello or anything, went to sleep. So much for building a relationship.

I'm going to eat their food.
And rob them?
You're making me.
True. True.

A bowl of macaroni was just sitting on the counter... that's totally okay. So, Nevada spent the rest of her day lollygagging around their home, eating their food, showering, and sleeping. There' isn't much to this day. I suppose I'll post day five now, since day four is pretty much useless. See you in the twenty seconds it'll take me to complete Day Five! Have a great day and remember: Always read this blog and share with friends. Always. You know they'll love it.
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